In our nursery we have specimens of Kentia in small pot with a total height of 2.5-3 meters. It is also called Palma del Paraiso and is native to Lord Howe Island, east of Australia.
This curious plant is usually quite docile to each of the spaces where we want to introduce it. The shape and style of this nice foliage is what has made many people interested in it. It is currently one of the best indoor plants in the market.
It has a short and strong central stem from which open palm-shaped leaves that reach up to a meter and a half in length and that over time and as a consequence of its weight the plant acquires an arched bearing of utmost elegance. This aspect makes many people look at this decorative palm as one of the best for interior spaces.
The Kentia is usually a large plant so it should be placed in wide spaces so that it can be well organized and grow without any kind of limitation. Heat and humidity are the secrets to getting good Kentias. We must also spray the leaves in a usual way especially when the heating dries the environment.
The foliage thrives in low light situations but it is preferable to have clarity. It rejects the places subject to direct sun and does not support waterlogging, especially in winter. It is necessary to verify that the pot drains well and the water does not accumulate in the bottom.
If you transplant, you have to be very careful with the root ball that does not break, the plant would accuse you a lot or could die. It is one of the most delicate palm trees that are transplanted.
We show below a photo gallery of the Kentias (Howea forsteriana). The format of sale is in pot. We have small caliber specimens, up to 2.5-3 meters in total height.
From the beginning we carefully take care of the planting process and continue to do so 27 years later. We do not accept anything that does not meet our high standards. What sets us apart from the competition.
UrbaPalms was born about 27 years ago in Elche (Alicante) with a first plantation of 20,000 Canary Palms and Date Palms on our farms.
We are specialists in the cultivation of these two species. We sell to individuals, companies and official organizations at very competitive prices, working both the national and international markets.
All palm trees are periodically treated with insecticides authorized against red palm weevil and paysandisia archon, the most important pests of the ilicitano palm grove.
We have authorization in force to issue phytosanitary passports for all palm trees that are expected to move from our facilities.
The best native palm nursery in Elche