In our plantations we currently have about 4,000 Canarian palm trees in root ball with trunk heights from 50 cm to 4 meters. We also have about 200 canary palm trees potted, in containers and baskets, 500 to 1000 liters in volume, with trunk heights of 1 meter to 3.5 meters.
They have been grown without excess water or fertilized in order to grow normally and not excessively and at the time of transplantation or potting are more resistant to their new medium. These palms are very delicate for transplantation but with this form of cultivation we get great success and provide the best service to our customers.
They resist the cold Mediterranean winter well and are very leafy giving large areas of shade, about 3-4 meters on each side of the trunk. Its leaves are intense green and measure 5-6 meters in length that fall elegantly arched. They usually grow between 70 and 100 leaves in each specimen. The inflorescences are very branched and born between the base of the leaves, with cream-colored flowers. Female palm trees give small orange circular fruits that, although edible, are bitter and rough.
The Canary palm is a very long-lived species and can even exceed 200 years. Its growth is slow and with a regular water supply they can grow about 30-40 centimeters a year. They reach an average height of 12-15 meters, sometimes exceeding 20 meters.
It is always best to prevent than to cure. With this saying in mind at UrbaPalms we dedicate ourselves throughout the year to fumigate monthly with authorized products and to review our plantations by specialized personnel. We offer guarantees on all our sales.
We show below a photo gallery of our Canarian palm palm trees in the two sales formats, root ball and container / basket. Increasingly, we brush the trunk of the Canarian palm, using a tool called corbellote. It is a form of presentation of our product that is increasingly accepted.
In root ball
In Container
Brushed trunk
From the beginning we carefully take care of the planting process and continue to do so 27 years later. We do not accept anything that does not meet our high standards. What sets us apart from the competition.
UrbaPalms was born about 27 years ago in Elche (Alicante) with a first plantation of 20,000 Canary Palms and Date Palms on our farms.
We are specialists in the cultivation of these two species. We sell to individuals, companies and official organizations at very competitive prices, working both the national and international markets.
All palm trees are periodically treated with insecticides authorized against red palm weevil and paysandisia archon, the most important pests of the ilicitano palm grove.
We have authorization in force to issue phytosanitary passports for all palm trees that are expected to move from our facilities.
The best native palm nursery in Elche